Day 69
Did not fall back to sleep, and began my ritual readings-and then thoughts came to Sophie Clark, Diane Applebaum, and a girl that admired and met at Sunny Oaks. Each was murdered, the third by her boyfriend.
Sophie and I went to high school together, and not sure if it was she or her sister with whom I cut Biology class. The girls room at Dwight Morrow was way more interesting than the instructor. I remember smoking and lots of big personalities. Sophie came from a large family and I think her sister was more rebellious.
Time went by, and the next time that I read about Sophie was when she was murdered in Boston. This was horrible, nightmares-she made it all the way to college and the Boston Strangler got her.
So much in life is unjust and all these years later-I think of Sophie and cry--she was tough, smart, and life threw a horrific curve ball.