Day 68

Friends-that transcended time left this year. One without notice in strange circumstances. Two the result of a long ago illness and the other from disease. Fred, Bonnie, Anne and Mario- all- artist's who gifted the planet and my life in so many ways. Fred was one of the few people who truly knew me and saw what I experienced to survive. We lived in Hollywood in the same apartment house. I will always remember him waving to me as I came home from work at Pacific Vanguard Insurance Company. Bonnie, was ever enthusiastic about beautifying the planet which she did with a Living Library. The vision Bonnie created was hatched on my apartment floor at 207 West 11th Street when she slept there. Mario, was the friend of my early days in the West Village- we were just kids-- like other Just kids---he was a social magnet who shared every friend- like - Christmas--And of course Ann who I met when I adopted Bernadette- she became a bolster, loyal and deep. Many a holiday was spent with Ann and Ia--so glad that I got to see her right prior to the lockdown. My heart is full of love.