Day 88

It seems so long ago that Barack Obama-was elected President-not once but twice. Those days are long gone, but I keep memories of calls for tolerance, the importance of education for all, and yes Michelle's vegetable garden. Of course there is complexity, however, the spiral of Hate since he left office cannot or should not be denied.

What does that mean? Answering my question, it means keeping on- and as yesterdays Pride demonstrated- keeping on big time. Long ago, I chose a life of curiosity-wanting to know people from around the globe. In fact, a favorite childhood hobby was reading the encyclopedia. My hope was to travel the ancient Silk Road- spend time in tents, learning from wise elders, while drinking either mint tea or strong coffee. 

It is so sad to see all those bloated one's spouting venom-but such is such is--Remembering- and will keep marching- the retirement will have to wait... we have work to do.