Day 86
As a child and for many years I dreamed of India. Probably, the India of books that I read and tales of Buddha and various wandering Yogi's. When I had the opportunity- I did not go via a van in the late 1960's with a boy friend-or when I chose to volunteer at an orphanage in Vietnam. I am sorry about the first and not about the second.
Ironically, many of the families that I work with are from South Asia-and I have gotten to know quite a bit about the history and languages in that amazing and complicated country. Last night I had a dream- that I was in a Happy Place- and a woman who was obviously from India came through the gate with lots of people and we celebrated-it was life as I want it to be and so often has not been since becoming a homeowner.
People take themselves too seriously- and the sense of Mine is great- ah well- the Party was great -- and who ever this woman was I really appreciated the joy that came with her...Mother India.