Day 82
I became a homeowner rather late in life. Having property never interested me. Perhaps if I had an interest- I would have avoided some foibles. In the mid 1990's I along with a partner, we opened a school in Trenton. The work was difficult and the partner had no background in education. Additionally, preferred Golf to work. Naturally, they bailed- leaving one funding source. The school thrived and this funding source also bailed- leaving me to exit the house where I was living in Princeton. My daughter was in the apartment that I rented in the West Village in the 1970's and no way she would move. It was a difficult time, and my then secretary suggested Bucks County. The only time that I was there was to buy vitamins in New Hope. And so I looked in that very development and purchased my first home. Gosh did I make it beautiful, built amazing shelves, gardened for everyone, and installed a wood burning stove-this is still my favorite dwelling. However, it was run by an association, and my neighbors were favorites with the Head who gave them permission to change the structure of their end unit. The neighbors added a barrack like structure which would be totally illegal as no one else could do so--but they did-- I went to court and lost on my birthday. Some members of that association later told me that I got screwed which I knew. And so second home that I purchased was across the river in Lambertville where during my short tenure of about 10 years had 3 floods-storms (Sandy)- and problems with loss of electricity. Additionally their was no place to shop for food if you were stuck because of weather. And so this got me to Philadelphia--actually, I don't like moving much and home owning has its problems--but I can say that every place I lived including my apartment in Berlin was decorated to the hilt (if you like my taste)- I found pictures of New Hope-not when I was there and it is not on the market- but I still love it--good job Mae.