Day 81
"What becomes a Legend Most" was one of the most successful advertising campaigns of all time. Photographer Richard Avedon, highlighted amazing Diva's wearing or clutching a Blackglama. The photos were amazing- as were the legends. This brought me to the recent Peloton I guess it was PR or somewhere that called some of the coaches legends after being featured in Time Magazine. Then I read an interview with Cody Rigsby who said he lost a bit of himself after Dancing With the Stars.. now I really respect Cody and how with a sweetness and good humor came forth during COVID to really help others. 
I worked in a theater that employed :"Stars" as a teenager- and my stage manager and life long friend assigned each of us apprentices to a star and these were big ones... he wanted to teach us not to be impressed- to know people as people... this culture tends to make deities and then trash them... and so I decided to share some legends.