Day 79
A durable medical power of attorney is a valuable tool that permits the assigned person to see the patient’s medical records. Almost every hospital now has a patient advocacy office and a specific document called a Patients’ Bill of Rights. Extremely important is having an Advanced Directive or Living Will.
I am totally not sharing to be depressing-quite the opposite-having known several people who that were truly taken advantage of-at a difficult time.
I am currently living in a state and city with amazing medical resources. Some states do not have this and people will need to do their own research.
Some years back, I took and am still involved with UZIT- a training founded by Donna Karan, Colleen Saidman Yee and Rodney Yee. Donna, who took the same classes we did for over a year wanted to share what she experienced during the course of her husbands illness.. What I learned and what was shared will never be forgotten. The picture is from one of our trainings.