Day 71

I remember sitting in a bar in Harlem with coworkers from the community mental health center. One of the women was a singer when she was off the job. They all knew that Bernadette was going to be adopted  She shared some advice "Make her a citizen of the world".  I already knew this since this was my own ideology born from reading and subsequent travels. Never having much money or a love for fancy hotels and tours- I trucked, hitched, and walked.  I loved the lack of knowing: with a goal.. Anyways-to do this my expenses had to be kept low-fortunately I had a rent subsidized apartment in the West Village. Bernadette and I traveled many roads in the US and abroad. When I could not be with her she traveled with friends to Croatia for several summers- and London with the amazing Angela. Our last trip was to Tikal in Guatemala. Growing older, she did not really like my kind of travels and I kept going-while she made her own way-picture from trip to San Francisco the first Christmas after her adoption. We traveled across country by train and stayed with friends in the city.