Day 56
Last night went to dinner with a friend, and brought back memories of a long ago time. When I opened my learning center in 1983 I was good at what I did, came with experience, and worked very hard. What I did not have was business smarts what I did not have were family members that could undergird my efforts, or tell me when I was being taken advantage of. I had to learn that by trial and lots of errors. I took on a partner who had way more in the terms of support.Not a bad person at all, just from different circumstances. In protecting herself she screwed me-that happened several times from those that I mentored. You got to face the facts of the world and not get bitter- it takes time to learn that. My former partner, got richer and had the tools to run with my ideas and make them their own... this happens every day-but I appreciate my own grit, survival, manifested in the lives of so. many.